
Posts Tagged ‘whelps’

jenkinsAs you can see from my lovely little screenshot, my Death Knight got his “Jenkins” title tonight.  I know I’m not the first.  There have been people parading around Ironforge with the title for quite some time.  But we did the whole thing (from “no UBRS key” to “Jenkins”) in one evening and three trips to the rookery.  We learned from our mistakes, and I will pass what we learned onto you if you’re thinking of trying for the “Jenkins” title.

First of all, take ten people.  Even if you’re level 80’s, you’re gonna need a lot of DPS.  You have to kill fifty whelps in fifteen seconds.  A couple of hunters spamming Volley ain’t gonna cut it.  In fact to do things the way I will suggest, I think it’s best to have two of everything.

Your raid group will consist of ten people.  I suggest the following composition to ensure you can get the achievement easily.  Two tanks, two healers, three to four AoE DPS, and you can fill the other two slots with whoever you can find who wants to go who wants the title.  AoE DPS is the key to this encounter however, and the more you can take, the better you will do.  If you could score six of them with the two healers and two tanks, you’d be golden.

I’ll assume you have the UBRS key.  You will need it to get the Jenkins title.

Enter Blackrock Spire and start clearing.  Once you cross the portal into the instance you’ll want to clear a path to the left towards the left stairway.  Assuming nobody in your party is low enough to be agro bait to the groups on the other side of the room, you can skip those, climb the stairs, turn left, and have the person with the UBRS key open the door.

You have to clear everything from this point on.  All the side rooms and stuff have got to be dead or else the final door will not open.  When you get to the door with the guys channeling the fire elemental, click the altar on the left side of the room to release the warlocks and kill them.  Then click it again to release the fire elemental and kill it.  At this point the door should open and the raid leader should make sure that everybody stops and chills while instructions are being handed out.  If you have trigger happy people at this point it can wipe the encounter and you have to reset and do it all over again.

A Death Knight at this point is perfect.  Any spec will do.  You want to Death Grip the dragonkin out of that room without going close enough to the eggs to make them hatch.  There are two large ones at the doorway and another two inside.  The deepest one of the four will be difficult to reach, but caution cannot be overstressed.  If you start hatching, you’ve gotta shift gears instantly.  If you can’t get the fourth dragonkin, it’s not the end of the world as long as the healers are on their game.

As for the actual killing of the whelps, here’s a basic rundown of how we handled it.  We had two tanks (in our case, two death knights) hatch the whole room at once.  Note — if you’re unfamiliar with this room — that you don’t have to click the eggs to hatch them, just run over them.  I marked myself (playing a third DK) with a star so I was easy to see and told the two hatchers to run over as many eggs as they could and bring them back to the star.  Then when the whole herd was on me, somebody tossed a raid warning to begin AoE DPS.  Because of the time limit, it’s very important that AoE dps be coordinated.  It needs to start all at the same time, and all the whelps need to be on the marker.  It’s also important to tell people that if they do die, don’t release.  As long as you don’t release you’ll still get the achievement.  We didn’t have any shamans in our group but I imagine a shaman or two might be nice additions.  Heroism and a couple of fire elemental totems would really help.

That’s how we did it.  I wish you luck securing your Leeeeeeeeeeeeroy achievement.

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